Our Story

We are TIERRA-VIVA USA LLC. The sister of our 100% Mexican company, AGROINDUSTRIAS TIERRA VIVA,and we are committed to bring the freshness and quality for you to experience the authenticity of our famous products through every way, and oversatisfy your expectations.

We combine our recipe, with the technology, for achieving safety, at every one of our products, like this as the lowest standards of sugar, getting us to the forefront in quality and flavor.

In Agroindustrias Tierra Viva we do things with the heart.

Ate de Guayaba: A Sweet Delicacy from Mexico

Ate de guayaba, also known as guava paste, is a traditional Mexican confection that has delighted taste buds for generations. With its vibrant color, unique texture, and delicious flavor, ate de guayaba has become a beloved treat both in Mexico and around the world.

Origins and Cultural Significance:

Ate de guayaba has its roots in Mexico, where guava trees are abundant. Guava, a tropical fruit with a distinctive fragrance and sweet taste, is widely cultivated in various regions of the country. The fruit holds cultural significance and is often used in traditional Mexican cuisine, including the creation of ate de guayaba. This confection has become a staple during celebrations, such as Day of the Dead and Christmas.


Guava, a tropical fruit known for its delectable flavor and enticing aroma, offers a wide array of health benefits. From its rich nutrient content to its remarkable compounds, guava is a nutritional powerhouse that can greatly contribute to your well-being. In this article, we will delve into the specific properties of guava and uncover the reasons why it is considered a superfruit.

Vitamin C Boost: Guava stands out for its exceptional vitamin C content, surpassing even citrus fruits. Vitamin C plays a vital role in supporting the immune system, promoting collagen production for healthy skin, and acting as a powerful antioxidant. By incorporating guava into your diet, you can bolster your immune defenses and protect your body against oxidative stress.

Antioxidant Richness: Guava is brimming with antioxidants, including carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols. These potent compounds help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Regular consumption of guava provides powerful antioxidant support for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Fiber for Digestive Health: Guava is a fantastic source of dietary fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive system. The fiber content in guava promotes regular bowel movements, prevents constipation, and supports gut health. By including guava in your diet, you can improve digestion and ensure a well-functioning digestive tract.

Blood Sugar Regulation: The fiber content in guava helps regulate blood sugar levels.

The Properties of Quince: the Inside Benefits

The Benefits of Quince: A Fruit Benefit

Quince, a fruit often overlooked, is a powerhouse of nutrients and health benefits. With its unique flavor and versatile culinary uses, quince provides not only a delightful addition to dishes but also a range of advantages for overall well-being. Let’s explore the five remarkable benefits of quince.

Hypertension and Fluid Retention Management: Thanks to its high potassium content and low sodium levels, quince is an ideal fruit for individuals with tendencies toward hypertension and fluid retention. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, while the low sodium content prevents water retention, making quince an excellent choice for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

Respiratory Health and Expectorant Properties: Quince seeds possess valuable properties that aid respiratory health. When boiled, these seeds act as an effective expectorant, helping to loosen mucus and alleviate bronchial inflammations. This natural remedy can provide relief and support respiratory comfort.

Digestive Health and Regulated Bowel Movements:

Quince has long been valued for its positive effects on the digestive system. Rich in dietary fiber, this fruit promotes healthy digestion, prevents constipation, and supports regular bowel movements. Adding quince to your diet can help maintain a healthy digestive tract and overall gut health.

Skin Nourishment and Radiance: Not only is quince beneficial internally, but it also contributes to healthy and radiant skin. Packed with antioxidants and essential vitamins, such as vitamin C, quince aids in collagen production and protects the skin from oxidative stress. Regular consumption of quince can help improve skin texture, promote a youthful appearance, and potentially alleviate certain skin conditions.

Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse: Quince is a nutrient-rich fruit, offering an array of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and copper. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, while fiber aids digestion, and potassium supports heart health. Additionally, the presence of antioxidants helps protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals.

Guava Paste Cubes

Enjoy our Guava Paste Cubes sprinkled with cane sugar as a healthy sweet snack.

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Guava Paste Cubes with Chili

These amazing sweet and spicy cubes are a great snack on their own or can be added to your favorite salad.

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Guava Roll Filled With Milk Candy and Nuts

The perfect treat to take on the go or share with family and friends

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Guava Jam

Guava, a tropical fruit known for its delectable flavor and enticing aroma, offers a wide array of health benefits. From its rich nutrient content to its remarkable compounds, guava is a nutritional powerhouse that can greatly contribute to your well-being. In this article, we will delve into the specific properties of guava and uncover the reasons why it is considered a superfruit.

Guava can be enjoyed in various ways, including eating it fresh, juicing it, making jams, jellies, and desserts. Its versatility allows for creativity in the kitchen and adds a tropical twist to culinary creations.

Enjoy our Artisanal Fruit Jams on bread, as toppings for pastries and yogurts, or as filling for cakes and baked goods. Also great for marinades, gravies and vinaigrettes.

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Fig Jam

The fig, a luscious and ancient fruit, has been enjoyed for centuries for its unique taste and nutritional value. With its sweet flavor, soft texture, and versatility in culinary applications, figs have become a beloved fruit around the world. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics of figs, their culinary uses, and the health benefits they offer.

Characteristics and Varieties:

Figs belong to the Moraceae family and are scientifically known as Ficus carica. They are small to medium-sized fruits with a pear or bell shape. Figs have a tender skin that ranges in color from green to purple or black, depending on the variety. Inside, the flesh is succulent and sweet, with numerous tiny seeds that add a pleasant crunch. The taste of figs is often described as honey-like, with hints of caramel and berry flavors.

Enjoy our Artisanal Fruit Jams on bread, as toppings for pastries and yogurts, or as filling for cakes and baked goods. Also great for marinades, gravies and vinaigrettes.

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Hibiscus Jam

The Health Benefits of Hibiscus: the Power of Jamaica.

Hibiscus, commonly known as Jamaica, is a vibrant and enticing flower that not only pleases the eye but also offers a wide range of health benefits. Packed with antioxidants and nutrients, Jamaica has been cherished for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments.

Hibiscus Benefits:

Be Rich in Antioxidants

Heart Health Support by lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels.

Digestive Aid: It possesses mild laxative properties that can help alleviate constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

Weight Management: Incorporating hibiscus into a healthy diet and lifestyle may aid in weight management. This flower infusion is naturally low in calories and acts as a diuretic.

Immune System Booster: Hibiscus is a rich source of vitamin C, a powerful immune-boosting nutrient. Adequate intake of vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system.

Kidney Health Support: Research suggests that hibiscus may support kidney health by promoting healthy kidney function.

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Artisanal fruit jam: for pastries, topping, cakes, yogurts and fillings. Great for vinaigrettes, gravies and marinades.

100% Natural

Gluten free.


Store in a cool, dry place. Once this product has been opened, keep refrigerated


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Artisanal fruit jam: for pastries, topping, cakes, yogurts and fillings. Great for vinaigrettes, gravies and marinades.

100% Natural

Gluten free.


Store in a cool, dry place. Once this product has been opened, keep refrigerated


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Fruit Spread

Our Artisanal spreadable fruit can be used for flavored waters, atole, cakes toppings, cakes, yogurts and fillings. Ideal for vinaigrettes, sauces and marinades.
